Monday, September 30, 2013

Luck changes!

     So last time I posted a blog, I mentioned I hit my own house with my car...
My dad told me he was going on Saturday to trade in the Saab for another vehicle (this was on Friday) so I had to tell him the truth. I told him the house appeared out of no where and well that I accidentally hit it. He was mad because he said he could have gotten it fixed if it was that bad seeing how the insurance covered it and he could have just said it was an actual hit and run. He never actually saw the damage until the next day. He managed to remove 90% of it! We went to the dealership and got two different cars, who does that?

     My week went by too quickly last week. I had a COMM test which I failed because procrastination took over. I take it as knowing at least half the material. I learned to look on the bright side of things!

     My friend and I threw a party after the game on Saturday; It was interesting seeing how Texas State pride is still present at parties. Some guy yelled out "TEXAS" and everyone in the crowd replied "STATE," it was so awesome. Anyhow, the rain ruined everything afterwards because we then went to another party and I got soaked. My car almost got flooded on Aquarina Springs (low car problems).

     My weekend went well and my week so far is going great also. I hope it stays this way because my luck sure changed!

Stolen Laundry

Well kids, be sure to obey the sign in the laundry area warning you not to leave your laundry unattended. I was sadly once a naïve optimist. I thought no one would ever actually take your laundry, especially if you are only gone for ten minutes. I had successfully done my laundry on the second floor multiple times without it being swiped away, but unfortunately the second floor was all taken up, so I had to use the laundry room on the third floor. This turned out to be one of the worst decisions I have made during my time at Texas State thus far. My laundry was stolen by some pathetic lowlife, but fortunately she didn't take it all. She had the decency to leave all of the free oversized Texas State T-shirts I had, but ran off with all of my active compression pants, all of my jogging shorts, all of my khaki shorts, my favorite Run DMC shirt, one of my bras, and a pair of panties. I honestly don't understand how people could be so awful. I understand that people can't always afford to buy nice clothing for themselves, but to take it from an individual that worked hard, earned money and purchased their own is just shameful. I'm am not fortunate enough to just be able to call mommy and daddy and say hey please send me more money for clothes. No, I have to work for everything I have and for it to just be taken from me is infuriating. I hope my clothing made this person happy and she gets good use out of it. What I got out of this situation is learning the lesson that you just cannot trust people these days.

Telling the Truth

So this weekend I decided to go back home. While I was driving I got rear ended going about 70 miles per hour. Being the dumb teenager I am i didn't even pull over or anything because it just felt like a little love tap. I was sooooo nervous and anxious the rest of the way home to get out and check my car. Turns out the only damage was a tiny baby dent that you could barely even notice. Of course I didn't bother to tell my parents because I didn't want to hear them yell at me and tell me how the right thing to do would have been to pull over. Anyways just my lucky, my dad decided to surprise me by going car shopping. My heart dropped when he told me this because I reallllllllllly didn't want to tell him what had happened. So after debating what I should do I decided to get rid of my guilt and come clean, he was not a very happy man at all. I had to hear him rage for a good hour but I guess it was worth it because at the end of the day i still ended you with a 2014 mustang. I should have just been honest with him from the beginning but the truth still came out.

Going Home

Even though I have been having a great time here at Texas State, I must admit that I am really starting to miss my home in Houston. I am finally going home this weekend. I am so excited to see my siblings, but most of all I am excited to see my dad. I seriously cannot wait to get there and eat home made food, because I am so tired of the food here. It is also going to be great to get to sleep on my bed back at home since my bed here is so tiny. I usually hate driving, but I think driving is going to be a plus since I really don't get to use my car here in San Marcos. Another thing that is really neat is that my best friend that goes to UT in Austin is also going to Houston the same weekend I am. It will be fun getting to hang out with her somewhere where we are both comfortable. I really hope that the weekend is great and hopefully I get to see everyone I want to see.


My friends call me a nerd because I am very organized in my school work and pretty much everything I do. I have two planners. Which they think is kind of funny. I am kind of a nerd but it works for me. My first planner is a weekly one where I just write my things I need to do. So every day when I go to class I write down if I need to do anything for that class in that planner. Then when I get home I have my second planner. It is also a weekly planner but it goes hour by hour of each day. I shade in all the times I have class and work and write what I’m doing during that time. (It’s very black) then in the white spaces I go and fill in things I’m going to do according to my first planner. That way I can see if something is due by the end of the week but I already am super booked Thursday and Wednesday then I can do it Tuesday. I am very religious to my planners. If I lost them, I’d probably cry. College is so stressful! I hear of people without any way of organization or planners and I just think how do you do it! Like I wish I didn’t have to have two planners. But between working 4-5 hours Monday through Thursday and taking 15 hours and 2 labs and being in a sorority, I’m a little busy. Thank goodness for planners!

What a week!

This past week I had a paper due and 3 tests pretty much in a row. I had my Political Science test on Tuesday, my communication test  on Wednesday, and my mass communication test on Thursday. On top of that I had my paper due on Wednesday! I am also involved in 2 clubs so I went to GEA practice on Tuesday and NBS meeting on Monday on top of all the test I took and my paper that was due. The good thing is that my mass communication test was online and it was available till Sunday before midnight so I actually took that test Friday. Although, my weekend was great! I actually went to a salsa class at the rec on Friday and salsa night at George's on Saturday. On Sunday, my sister came to visit so I got to hang out with her and her boyfriend. we went shopping and went out to eat. :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Car Problems

Tuesday morning my mom informed me that my sisters car just shut down at a red light on one of the busiest streets at 8:00am.I felt sorry for her .she was frustrated from all the traffic and did not know what to do.The entire traffic jam spent the morning honking at my sister even though she had her emergency lights on.Im sure my little,fragile,16 year old sister was scared.someone had to go help her.sure enough my dad had to go push her car to a safe spot to be towed away.while my mom was informing me on the phone i was walking to my parking garage to retrieve some books out of my jeep for my next class.As soon as i was exiting the elevator i saw that my jeep was leaning.Sure enough,i had a flat tire.I thought to myself "great!"I knew i wouldn't be able to fix it so i had to call my dad to make a trip to fix another one of his helpless daughters car problem.He drove to San Marcos to save the day.I am so blessed to have a great dad.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm a blue!

   In my Hall Council retreat, our Resident Director had us participate in a personality activity. It was one of those that have points add up and it declares you a "color." I've been in other leadership positions that have done the same thing, though, this has been the most accurate one yet. I really appreciated this group doing this test, because it really broke the barriers of some tension the team was having.
   I was declared a blue. A blue can be described as a very emotional individual, who needs touch and romance. This person is very expressive, and also can take offense to thing easier than other types of people. I always knew this about myself, but i had no idea that I am apart of a classified category. I thought I had emotional issues and always read into things way more than other people did. It was actually comforting knowing that there are other people out there just like me. Also, just hearing these characteristics being discussed eased my understanding. I do understand myself more than I did before the activity.
    There was a little bit of miss communication between some of our council. Prior to Saturday's retreat, there was some butting heads, and clashing personalities. The person I understood the least was the President. As the retreat progressed I really learned a lot about him. I took some of his body language personally. I thought he was showing little interest in what we were doing, though I learned that he just handles social interaction differently then I do. He was the only green in our group. Without getting into exactly what his color is about, I'll just mention that he was the only green out of all of us. I concluded that this was the reason he was sticking out to us and getting under our green. He is just different than us.
    I took this retreat as a growing experience. It taught me to be a more open and understanding person. I definitely recommend this method to other leadership teams.


So my parents and sister are coming up for the weekend and I am so incredibly excited! I feel like I haven't seen them in a year. The weekend is going to be filled with fun family activities like going to the river, going to the game, visiting, maybe going to the outlet malls, and eating out a lot since I'm a starving college student (got to use my resources, eh?) BUT anyways, this weekend is going to be so fun!
In addition to having a fun weekend ahead of me, this week has started off surprisingly well. For one, I went out of town this past weekend to College Station and did absolutely no homework, and it actually hasn't come back to get me! Like the stuff I had due Monday got done. And the most stressful thing (my theatre test), that I didn't study for ended up being super easy! WOHOOO.
Oh and the weather has been super great! Like practically frigid, I need a parka weather. It's been beautiful.
In conclusion, I am on such a high right now. Everything in my life is going great.

Fall is Here!

I was very happy to find when I woke up for my 8 am class this morning to find that it was still chilly outside. The sun has unfortunately warmed up by now and chased the chill away, but I know looking at the forecast that it will be back soon. With the amazing weather this past weekend I finally convinced myself to get outside and explore the campus some more. I tried to go to parts that I usually did not go to because I did not have any classes in that area and just walked around looking for short cuts and stair cases and places where I could go through instead of around. I was not able to make it to the other side of campus to explore the more nature filled areas but I hope to be able to do that next weekend if the weather stays nice, as well as start exploring along the river and find those secret spots I keep hearing about.

I am glad that the weather has started to cool down. Even though I was born and raised in Texas, I actually prefer to be freezing than hot. After all if you are cold you can just bundle up in an almost infinite amount of layers, but if it's really hot, you can only strip so many layers before people start looking at you funny. (Who ever invented swim suits, thank you!)

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. I love how the leaves change colors and the air gets its own kind of crispness to it. It has a completely different feeling to it then the other seasons, and I love it. I would actually be happy for it to always be autumn. I love dressing in layers and jackets and sweaters, but it's almost always too hot to do so. And of course when it's cold, I can finally drink hot chocolate!


Here's a picture of her. I forgot to mention in my last blog that quite a few people think she looks like me when I was a baby.

Aunt Swag & Tow :/

She is here. She is absolutely beautiful and she is my niece. Weighing only 6 pounds, she is the cutest little thing. This weekend I drove to Waco to see my family and my newborn baby niece, Sonora Cathryn (nickname- Sonny). She was born on September 21st at 4:30 am. I can't wait to spoil her, she's so stinkin cute. My nephew is 4 and you can already tell he's going to be an awesome big brother. He's so gentle and loving when he's with her. When he gets older, he's going to be protective I bet. He calls her sissy. It's so adorable. My sister has the cutest family. A husband, a 4 year old boy and a baby girl. But before I went to Waco, my car got towed on Saturday morning and I wanted to cry. I was at my friend's apartment and they towed it at like 9am. What the heck? I was going out to my car to get something and it was gone. I was livid! Apparently when I go to my friend's apartment I have to have a "temporary pass" or something.... I didn't even know they had those? But now I do! :(

When is college over

In the Months leading up to applying for colleges and even through the end of my senior year I was very much interested in the military specially the Navy SEALS. Growing up this has always been something I’ve wanted to do and still plan to do after college.  But now that I’m here at Texas State I’m realizing that maybe I should have joined the military.  The lifestyle is great and living here is awesome its just not were I want to spend the next 4 years. I do know that I will have to sit through these college classes eventually. But I want to do the job I’ve wanted to do since I was in middle school.

The reason I feel this way is because there are people my age in the training for SEAL teams and special forces and to think of the badass things the get to do on a daily basis while I wake up every morning to eat crap food and go listen to a professor lecture about stuff I don’t care about. This is killing me and after having these thoughts for the past two weeks I have came to the conclusion that my best bet is to just stay here though my sophomore year. This will allow me to get half of my college career done and make it a lot easier for me to come back and finish my degree.  Another bonus to this is the military has a program that when I enlist for a Special Forces role they will cover any past student loans I have.

New Sisters, Phi Tau Date Party, and Test Week

This weekend was quite a whirlwind! On Thursday, my friend Robin received her bid to Alpha Xi Delta, making us sisters. I'm so glad she decided to accept it. She's one of the best friends I've met since I've been here, and I'm so glad that we'll be able to go through this together!

Because last week was so incredibly stressful for me, my friend Channing asked me to his fraternity's boat party. If you know me at all, you know that I love to be on the water, so it was greatly appreciated. I've been learning more and more how important it is to relax and take care of our bodies. The past week has definitely taken a toll on my body. I've been having issues with my back for the past few days. Today, I finally decided to take out my yoga mat and really stretch out my body. After about an hour, I was able to walk properly without pain, and had much more energy.

This coming week I have 2 exams and an English paper due. I know I'll do well on them. I'm not stressed in that sense, I'm more nervous about when my body starts to get upset with me for the late nights and poor nutrition. yikes! So, here's to eating healthy this week, and making sure to set aside at least half an hour or so every day for a quick yoga routine!

HIT AND RUN (Bad Luck All Around)

     So here we week is already off to a bad start. Let's start off by mentioning that hit and run, yeah, no one did a hit and run on me, more like I did a hit and run on my own house. I am not even joking. I went to Dallas this weekend, went clubbing Friday night and came home Sunday at around 1 a.m. I sure woke up half asleep, and I am now realizing I should not be allowed to use that reverse on my car. Good thing I know a guy that works at a body shop. Thing is, my dad has been wanting to trade in that car for another one. Since it's a foreign car, value depreciated as soon as we bought it, so lets just say it will be worth even less not. (My dad has no idea this happened by the way...yet.) I have until Friday to get it fixed because that's when he decided to take it in.
     Besides that bad luck, I have a COMM1310 assignment due tomorrow. Procrastination kills. I know this sounds bad, but I will be skipping my first 8 am class just to finish it. The struggle is real.

     I'm a commuter so looks like I'll be waking up quite early tomorrow. This is depressing, and kind of funny actually. I'm delirious and that's the truth.

    Any who, I hope my week goes a lot better and I'm really looking forward to this weekend.

    I need Starbucks. :(


Monday, September 23, 2013

It Gets Real

Well I literally spent every hour, minute and second of this weekend studying and writing essays for almost every single course. I must admit I was warned that the test are all schedule around the same time, I just never anticipated they would all actually be scheduled the same week. I didn't even look at my cell phone for a full 36 hours, which almost never happens. I'm really trying to make awesome grades this semester. I consistently made decent grades in high school, but I fear that college is a whole new monster. However, after taking my first college exam today I am not quite as nervous because I think I did pretty well. I'm not going to get too confident just yet until I see how the other million tests this week pan out. Throughout this process I think I have developed some efficient studying habits. I listen to classical music and zone out my girlfriend and her video games, then just study like a maniac. I've retained so much information this weekend I think my head grew a few sizes. My writing hand is swollen and the R key on my laptop is jammed, so I think those are indicators of how hard I have been working. I'm really just striving for a successful year and I hope it all pays off.

"And we danced, and we laughed... and had a really, really, really good time"

      Tech was so much fun!!!! And when I say this, I mean getting the chance to perform in front of 61,000 people. It was absolutely amazing. What wasn't amazing was the fact that we lost our first game, that was actually pretty sad. You know what else sucked? Spending a total of at least 20 hours on a charter bus over the entire weekend. If you've done that, you know my pain and you know it's hell. If you haven't spent about 20 hours on a charter bus over the course of two days, I wouldn't recommend it. It's so uncomfortable that my back is still spazzing from finding incredibly weird sleeping positions, and being stuck there.
       Lets get real though. 61,000 people. And that's not including Texas States's band, Tech's band, cheerleaders from both schools and other random people that didn't have to check in. The crowd's response to our dance was completely off the hook, including a gasp with our ending jump split. Once we got back to the stands our director told us how amazing our dance looked, and I thought she was just being our director by saying that until I actually saw the video and it turns out she was right. We were together the entire time we danced, everything was executed perfectly, and all 115 of us truly looked amazing. Moments like that make me realize how much I love being with this team, that all the hard work, long practices and ridiculous bus rides makes it totally worth it.

Just a Little Rant

I've had an extremely long week this past week and I'm on my way to another emotional breakdown. Earlier last week, I had some things going on that caused me to miss some classes so now I'm trying to play catch up in almost all of my classes. Let me tell you, that's the last thing I want to be doing.

I also have a paper due tomorrow that was the absolute worst to try and write. I was in tears while trying to write it and I finally finished it, but I'm still about 200 words shy of the word count. I guess after peer revisions tomorrow in class, I'll have some more work to do. The struggle is very real.

Now math. Lord. I pray I pass that class because even with tutoring from the SLAC Lab, I'm still beyond lost and we have our first test in there on Thursday this week. I've never been one to grasp math very easily so it'll be a miracle if I pass.

Psychology is really the only class I actually enjoy because I understand what is going on and I am interested in what is being said. Dr. Meeks is an absolutely great teacher.

Then I find out that my family will not be here for family weekend and BOTH of my roommates are going to be gone for the weekend. I was offered to hang out with my friend Brittany's family, but I don't want to feel like an add on to the family. So needless to say I will be spending this weekend cleaning and working on homework.

Being Outside

This was an interesting weekend for me. Instead of going outside for the entire beautiful weekend, I was stuck in my dorm writing a paper from the view of a schizophrenic. I have to say, I could not imagine everything they have to go through. A schizophrenic may not even ever go outside because voices in their heads are telling them not to. Being an outdoors kind of girl, I couldn't imagine being afraid of going outside because people in my head are telling me that they are going to get me or harm me. I give them a lot of credit because everyone always thinks of them as crazy and dangerous, when in reality they aren't. They just have a different brain than those without schizophrenia, and it's an actual medical illness they aren't just "crazy" people. Another thing they have difficulty doing is watching television. I may not watch much TV, but when Ghost Adventures comes on I make sure I'm tuned in to watch it! Whenever they watch TV, the people on the television send them special messages about how they are plotting to get them or they are controlling them. I couldn't imagine just trying to watch Ghost Adventures, and Zak Bagans start telling me he is mind controlling me and is going to harm me. Even though I didn't get to go out and enjoy the beautiful weather, I got a greater understanding for what it's like to live with schizophrenia. These people are so strong and I give them all of my respect for what they have to deal with every single day.

Partying and Guys

     This weekend, my roommate and I went to our first Texas State party. I've partied before, so it's not anything new or special to me, so I was basically going just to hangout with some friends I already knew. But for my roommate, on the other hand, it was a whole new experience. And after it was all said and done, she's putting partying behind her also, for the most part.

     My take on partying is that its really not all that necessary all of the time. There have been plenty of times where- before this weekend- we'd get ridiculed because we haven't attended a party at a "partying" school. What I find funny is how people have to live it up that way just to have fun, but everyone has their preferences.

     On the other note, one thing I've realized is that the guys in Loriel and I's dorm are legit. It's interesting to see how quickly people can come together and adapt to each other. I say this because we were the only 2 girls out of the 11 people who went to the party, and there was not one moment where I questioned their friendship. It's odd, because though it's college, guys and girls have different levels of maturity and I honestly expected less. But it was nice for all of us to go out and have a good time together.

    Okay, so seriousness aside, last night was hilarious. Me and a guy in the dorm procrastinated the heck out of the comm 1310 paper, and we were up until 3 in the morning trying to write from an atheist's point of view as Christians. It was interesting, considering that I pulled ideas from the non-existing crevices of my mind. I've got to develop better studying habits.


This week's song :)

My weekend/ Beginning of the week

   This weekend was such a relaxing weekend. Since I live so close to home, I went home again this weekend because I was supposed to go to the Josh Abbott concert at Floores Country Store which is always extremely fun. Unfortunately, they cancelled the concert for Friday night and rescheduled it to this Thursday, which isn't terrible because I'm still going with my boyfriend and a couple other friends. Not to mention this weather is amazing! I hope it stays cool like this because those concerts get so hot and stuffy with all the people clumped together trying to push and shove their way to the front.
   In not so great news, I'm swamped with tons of things to study for all of my first exams. So far I've gotten two of them out of the way and my next two are on Wednesday. At least my hardest exam, Chemistry, is out of the way as of 8:50 this morning. I'm very anxious to know my grade!

Busy Week

This week has been very hectic. To start off I have been swamped with work but never feel like I am doing enough. I have 3 tests wednesday and 1 test thursday and dont really know where to start. This weekend I was going to bunker down and get everything done and start to study for everything but it never fails that when youre busy life throws a curve ball. On Thursday I found out that my aunt was in the hospital and had been for 4 days. She is on life support with a illness that is in her blood and destroying her kidneys and liver. As being the first one in our family that is close or may even pass away its been pretty hard for all of my dads side to see him and all of his brothers and parents in pain like that to look at a just about lifeless body on the bed. This has started to take a toll on me and hits me pretty hard because I havent experienced a loss yet and is just sitting in the back of my head and it sucks because were all kinda close. So this week has been filled with things that I havent experienced yet like family on the brink, and college tests especially a large wave of them. But hopefully she can make a turn for the best, but shes in Gods hands and he will do with her what he has in plan.


My suitemates are beginning to work my nerves. I feel like I am the only one around here that actually cleans after themselves. All of my suitemates leave their dirty dishes piled up for days. They also never throw out their trash, and then it all starts piling up so much I have no choice but to take it out myself. At first I didn’t think it was going to be like this. As the weeks went by I guess they started to get more comfortable and began to leave trash everywhere. I want to talk to them about it but hopefully they don’t get offended. I hope after I talk to them they will begin cleaning after themselves, and there will be no issues. I hope next year I can live with someone that actually cleans after themselves.

Missing class/the weekend

Well today I missed my very first class. I told myself I wouldn't miss one class my first semester in college but this morning my bed would just not let me out of it and netflix was calling my name. I feel really guilty about missing but I mean, i'm pretty sure i'll survive. A 50 minute math lecture class was worth missing, like really how do you even get lectured on math. i guess i could have easily avoided missing class if i wouldn't have gotten back to my dorm so late from driving from my hometown. Lately iv'e been getting in a bad habit of going home every weekend but I just can't help it. I love going home to home cooked meals and my bed. I also love going home to all my old friends, I guess you could say iv'e been a little home sick but I guess it's all a part of growing up. I'm sure I'll get out of the habit of going home as often as I do, or at least I hope so, all my homework piles up when I go home for the weekend because I don't take the time to do it while i'm there. College has been super stressful lately and going home is how i try to escape from it but in reality it just makes it a lot worse.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reagon Retreat!

This weekend was the best weekend I've had so far. Reagan retreat is for my church called Christ Community Church. It was emotionally freeing. It was everything that I needed right now. I felt so at peace and happy there :) There were so many epiphanies' I had and so many things I needed to here. The theme for the retreat was "The good fight" so on Friday night, a minister  talked about how you don't need to fight and worry yourself about anything because the battle is already won. One thing that stuck with me was when the minister said "we are not fighting for victory but from victory". They had a woman and men session on Saturday and in my session another minister talked about the issues that woman face today like some woman want attention and  they tend to do whatever they can to get that attention. The minister also talked about how all woman want love, acceptance, etc. On Saturday night, a minister talked about basically fighting with the holy spirit and it was such an amazing experience because so many people got baptized with the holy spirit and my campus director told me something that I needed to hear. This Sunday morning before I left, another minister was talking about the weapons we talk about. I met so many people on this retreat that now I already have like a second family that I know that  they're  there for me and I am there for them :) I got to experience God the way I've never experienced before which is the best thing I could ask for:) I even got baptized for the second time because I was young the first time so I felt like I needed to do it again. I came back from the retreat feeling genuinely happy, joyful and peaceful.

~this weather~

The weather has me in love but I'm stuck in my dorm too much, I need to get out of here. Fall is my favorite, and I cant wait for October. October means, good weather, layering clothes, Halloween, and horror movie marathons. All my friends know what they're going to be for Halloween already, so I need to start thinking. I saw this alien costume at the goodwill and that would be pretty tight but we'll see. The goodwill here rocks though! Its the cleanest one with the most cool finds I've ever been in and that means a lot coming from me because I'm like a thrift store connoisseur. I'm in the mindset that this is going to be the best year.

I'm getting a little worried because I know I'm not putting school first, or at least, I'm not giving it enough of my energy. My social life is taking precedence right now but I don't even mind, all my friends are telling me, "you're only  a freshmen, save the seriousness for later", but I don't want to fuck up my GPA before I even choose a major. I'm still doing all my work, I just feel my motivation slipping away. I'm more concerned with my plans for the weekend than my exams and studying is so difficult for me. I am glad that I at least realize it, so I'll probably be able to crack down on myself and reverse my thought process before I mess up. Hopefully.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

College Love

   My typical conversations about college relationships were always explained in two different ways. Two different extremes where in one, there was this long term relationship that was super serious. On the other hand, there was that relationship that typically lasted about a week. In this particular situation, the two people in the relationship probably met at some sort of "social gathering." They probably hit off, probably shared some sort of strong temporary attraction. As days progressed, either one of the two would just loose interest on snap-chat, or meet someone else somewhere else.
   I never really payed an interest to these generalizations. They weren't guaranteed truths, or lies. Though, as I enter my 5th week in College I, myself, have witnessed both extremes. I have seen this in freshmen all the way to graduate students. Some people came to college with their high school sweetheart, carrying this great deal of commitment and promise. Some have met their significant other here at Texas State. Finally, we have brave souls pulling a long term relationship. In some cases, these are the strongest.
   The more interesting extreme I actually experience myself. This super attractive guy paid all sorts of attention to me at a party. We text-ed for about five days, then I started to hear less and less from him. I reacted sort of surprised, because I didn't realize that guys, (and girls as well), could really just drop someone for no reason. What really blew my mind was his reason. He later confessed to me that he flirts with girls and gets them to like him to recruit more girls to go to parties. Yeah.... Okay. Luckily, this guy really wasn't all that and I won't remember his name in a week. It's really the principle. Lesson learned, though. This is college. Nobody cares anymore.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


This past week I’ve been doing a lot of school work and studying for my upcoming papers and tests. I’ll be gone all weekend in Lubbock so I’ve been cramming a lot of my studies into a short amount of time. Wednesdays are longest days starting at 8 A.M. with my general chemistry 1 class. I took AP chemistry in high school so strong in the subject. This morning we took a quiz. I was confident that I was going to do well because I was well prepared. But when I got handed the quiz, my hand was shaking really bad. I was super nervous, couldn’t sit still, and I just felt really anxious. At one point I thought if I kept it up, I probably would have thrown up. I know I had aced the test but I was still just so nervous leaving the room. I called my dad after class. He said in college he had studied hard for a test and was so nervous before an exam he threw up in class and had to continue to take the test because it was timed. I’m legitimately scared that on Monday when I take my first chemistry and biology exam that I might throw up. Is that normal? I’m really scared and there’s still five more days till the exam and most people probably haven’t even started studying. I’m just really nervous. I don’t know how much different it will be in comparison to high school.


                So this morning I had my first college exam. I had told myself that I'd review each night for the entire 7 days leading up to the test…That didn’t happen. So, I figured I’d just study the day before, making sure that all other work would be done so I could focus purely on psychology. So come Tuesday afternoon I begin to study psych. I studied the history of psychology, important psychologists, and the evolution of psychology from 3-6 p.m. Then I took a shower as a “break” from studying. Then studied the different lobes of the brain, the endocrine system, limbic system, peripheral system, and how neurons work, from 6:30-9:30p.m. At 9:30 my mom called and we had a nice little chat before I had to go and finish studying the last bit of the notes. Finally from 10-11 p.m. I studied sleep, sleep disorders, and the different types of psychoactive drugs.
                 So I get the test this morning and there was absolutely nothing about the endocrine system, the cerebral cortex, the lobes, or the famous psychologists on there! So I was initially pretty upset because of all the time I spent learning and memorizing those things. But then I decided that learning them wasn’t a waste. I now just have a nice bit of knowledge on those subjects. PLUS, everything else that I studied was on there, so I think I for sure got an A on it :)

Anyways, in conclusion, I’ve learned a few things about the future psychology tests I’ll be taking this semester:

1.      If necessary, everything can be learned in one night…About 7 hours will do the trick

2.      If you get to the test and find that stuff you studied wasn’t on there, that either means you were extra thorough and now you have extra information that you can tuck away, or forget...
      OR you just got "lucky" that the teacher didn't include the information, maybe next time everything you studied will be on them


3.      I no longer have to stress about psychology tests. I know the type of tests she gives and how I should study for them. I can now sleep soundly the night before and wait in line to get the test without shaking.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is college for everyone?

In our University Seminar class we talked about how college is not for some people.As the weeks progress i am handling my classes well,its just that living here is the worst for me .As i struggle to find any solution to leave,i keep running into dead ends.I have run out of options and its really hurting a point where i want to mom calls me and tells me that college is not for everyone and that maybe i should pack up all of my things and withdraw.I immediately thought about my past.I have never given up on anything before.I would feel behind and like a loser.As much as i wanted to just leave i knew that i wouldn't leave myself an option to give up.I was not gonna let myself fall down and give up especially since i spent 13 years in public school to get here.Im making a final decision to stay here for the year and at least finish what i had started.Also if i end up liking staying here more i would continue to attend Texas state,but everything would be easier for me if i attended a university in San Antonio.You may be thinking that i miss my family too much or that in dependent which is not the case at all.I have been very Independent when i was given the opportunity to.Its just that i need a space of my own.At least a place i can go where i know i will not be interrupted.The one thing i value most is taken away from me and i didn't think it would be this hard to handle.Most things that would be considered private are the things I'm sharing with my entire floor.I know that most people have to deal with this but like i said again its not for me and i have to do what makes me happy.

The Freshman Experience

Whelp, its been a month here at Texas State and while there are some things I absolutely love, there are some things that I don't like as much too. I love the school spirit and how friendly everyone is. I also like the fact that we can have academic coaches. While I like these things, the things I dislike are more on the lines of what happens when you miss class, how far I am from friends and family, and the food.

I attended my first football game last weekend. A couple friends and I painted paw prints on our legs. We went to the tailgate for the freshman, mostly for the food, then we went into the stadium and sat in the fan store for awhile before going into the actual stadium and finding seats. We sat behind the loud crowd. All in all it was a great experience.

Last Tuesday I missed class for the first time because I had a stomach bug. On top of being sick, realizing I was missing class was one of the most stressful things ever because of the attendance policy for some of my classes. I found it harder to catch up as well.

The food here isn't all that bad, but it definitely isn't a home cooked meal. I guess its more of a acquired taste, but I'm getting tired of the same thing day in and day out.

Being away from my family and friends has been especially hard for me. I was extremely close to my family and last week, my best friend who attends Tarleton lost her sister in a car accident and it was difficult for me to listen to her cry on the phone and not be able to comfort her. Also, my boyfriend doesn't go here so as you would expect there has been tension in our relationship, but none the less when he surprised me by coming to visit me, I was beyond happy.

It just hit me

It just hit me. Texas State University is my new home. I really didn’t realize this till I went home last weekend. Upon going over the last hill going through Buda and entering into the Austin city limits I realized that Austin isn’t were I’m at anymore. The activities I do the people I hangout with are all in San Marcos. When I got to my house I started to text my old high school friends to hangout, but then realized that they are all at their colleges across the country. Then I was like “I want to go play Ultimate” yet there was no one to play with unless I came back to San Marcos. I was in my hometown yet felt like I knew almost know one except family. It was a humbling experience and sucked to not call a place were I spend the first 18 years of my life my home.
But on the other side of the spectrum this excites me because living within a 5mile radius my entire life tortured me. I am person to travel and experience life and this is my first step. It’s a small step, but one in the right direction and I am eager to find out the next place I can call home because traveling is the best way to learn even better then a college education in my opinion.

First Test

So yesterday I had my first exam of my college career. On Monday. At eight a.m. I slept terrible the night before and I was in a bad mood when I woke up. I walked out to my car to look for something and I didn't find it. So I went back up in my room to make sure it wasn't in there and it wasn't. So I walked all the way back out to my car to find what I was looking for like right in front of my face (keep in mind here my car was on the 7th floor of the parking garage and I live on the fourth floor of a dorm without an elevator). By then I was practically rushing to math. My first test since I've been here. I walk in to the building at like 8:58 and remember... I forgot my freaking calculator. Great. And on top of all of that I swear I didn't learn half the stuff that was on the exam. Ha so we'll see how that turns out. So point of the story.... I'm never forgetting my calculator again.

Test Stress

It has finally happened. I have two tests this week in Bio and Art History and they are on the same day! In fact they are both tomorrow on Wednesday. I have my Bio test in the morning and my Art History test at 5pm and I would be lying if I said I was not panicking.

Especially since, because of my major, I need to get an A in my Biology class, or a B if I'm pushing it, but at this point there is just too much that is going to be on the test and I do not understand half of it. Add to the fact that there are only three tests and a final in that class and you might start to see why I'm panicking.

And to add to that I have my first Art History test that same day, and I am not even sure what is going to be on that test. Will I have to know the details of when and where the statues were found, do I really have to remember that entire hour long lecture on solely Greek columns that half the class including myself fell asleep in? Or will I just have to recognize which period of time a certain statue or architectural building is from?

Art History is scaring me because I just do not know what to expect from it, and add that uncertainty to the encroaching doom I am experiencing from just thinking about my Biology test, and you will realize I am a huge ball of nervous, panicking stress.

Time to Study!

   First exams have finally come, and I'm getting a little nervous! I've never had to study for any tests in high school so I hope they go well. Hopefully I don't study too much or too little. So far my professors have given good reviews on what to expect on our first college exams, so that should be very helpful. Also, I hope it gives me a good idea on what to expect and how to study for my future exams.
   In other non-school related news, I went home this weekend finally! It felt like forever since I had eaten my moms delicious homemade food. Oh how I love being mexican! I'm pretty sure I consumed more food this weekend then I had all last week. It was refreshing to see my boyfriend, parents and little sister. Even though I've only been gone about a month or so, I was amazed how much older my sister looked from the last time I saw her. Apparently, since I've been gone, she's turned my room into her morning dressing room for school which I'm not too thrilled about! I definitely missed all my family a lot. It was hard saying bye and coming back even though they only live 40 minutes away.

First Exam

It is currently 2:52 am and I am still wide awake. My first midterm is tomorrow morning in Political Science at 9:30. So, as of now, I have officially survived my very first college cram session! Tomorrow's test will decide wether or not it was a success, but for the time being, I'm just happy that I'm alive and hopefully will be asleep within the hour!

This weekend I went home to Katy for the first time since coming here. It's exactly the same as when I left it. My mother forced me to attend my high school's football game Friday night. I looked like the awkward girl who always comes back to visit, not fun. I did enjoy the weekend though, it was nice to relax finally! I haven't slept in in ages, so that was definitely nice!

I'm looking forward to the next week, after my exam tomorrow, I should have a pretty relaxed week ahead of me! Yay!

Monday, September 16, 2013

"Started from the bottom, now we're here"

     So if you're good friends with me, you know that I was blessed with the three roommates from hell.  Being completely sarcastic on the blessed part of course. My three roommates would constantly be excluding me and going off and doing their own thing while I would be left on my own. I felt like that one awkward kid in the movies that had to eat their lunch in the bathroom cause no one wanted them around, pitiful right? But it made sense, they would randomly leave on the weekend and I would have no idea, or they wouldn't even offer or invite me. I was the black sheep of room 670 in College Inn.
    But just like in the movie, my story also has a happy ending. Because of Strutters, I have made some absolutely amazing friends, including one of my new best friends Megan who also lives in College Inn. Megan was always with me and, in person, she saw the way my roommates excluded me and how I was being treated. In turn she took me back to her room and I got to meet her roommates, and everything just clicked. I got along so well with her roommates, that I started to spend all my free time with them. When they all met my roommates in 670, they were so disgusted that they legitimately invited me to move in with them and live on their futon!! Of course I can't do that, but at the semester when one of them transfers to another school I'm getting an official room switch and moving in with the girls who actually want to be with me and enjoy having me around!
    Megan likes to compare my story to Cinderella, where I used to be with my ugly stepsister (a.k.a my roommates) and then I was saved by my Fairy Godmother (Megan) and brought to Disney's Magical Castle with all my new princess (my new "room")... so a very girl power Cinderella with no boys, but a fairy tale none the less. And hey, maybe I'll meet a Prince Charming soon.

Super fun weekend

My weekend was not so great. I have three consecutive test and I spent most of my weekend studying. I hope all that studying really pays off! I am glad that I never have three test on the same week again, because my brain is fried from so much information.


On the bright side my sister and cousin came down to visit this weekend which allowed me to get away from studying for a little bit. They surprised me which was great, because I hadn’t seen my cousin in about 3 years. First we went out to eat which was cool because I finally got to eat something other than the food in the dining halls. After we ate we went to the outlets and we did some shopping which was very exhausting since the outlet here is huge. When we were done with that we came back to my dorm and rested for a little bit then they left. It was really sad when they left, but I was glad I got the opportunity to see some familiar faces.


Then I went back to studying... and that was my weekend.

What I thought would be a good weekend

So this weekend did not turn out at allll like it was suppose to. I went to College Station to have the best time ever but instead it just sucked. First off the aggies lost so that was super depressing. Even though I go to Texas State I will always be an aggie fan. I also didn't actually have a ticket to the game, it would have been completely awesome if I would of had one though.
      Since I didn't have a ticket I was forced to tailgate, which didn't seem too bad until we actually got there. I had no idea I was going to be sitting outside in the sun for like 8 hours with a bunch of strange people i didn't even know, so that was pretty awkward too. I was upset the tailgate didn't tun out to be as fun as I thought it would be, it sucked sitting there listening to all the fans in the stadium cheer including my friends while I was stuck with  a bunch of drunk idiots I didn't even know. I also was pretty much died from dehydration considering the only thing to drink was beer and i don't drink beer. Like who doesn't at least bring water?
      I thought to make up for the bad day and the aggies loss, we'd  all go out and have fun at NorthGate, but no. By the time I took a shower everyone was passed out for the night. I pretty much went to College Station this weekend to watch the aggies lose and be miserable. On top of all that, I stayed at my brothers house and he has a dog that chases/tries to bite me every time I get near it, and I got in an argument with my best friend, so that sucked too.

 Lets just say I'm glad to be back in San Marcos!!:)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

im 19 now hollah'

I feel like my body is rejecting college. I choose not to eat meat & the choices here for a vegetarian are truly pathetic since I'm on the meal plan. Salad gets old after a while and I've been finding myself just not really eating much at all nor sleeping all that much so I'm not feeling mentally or physically well rested.

I also got hives right after I got over my tonsil infection. I thought I would never fall out of my lofted bed but it happened & I have about a 9 inch black bruise on my inner thigh to prove it. It sucks so much.

This is starting to suck so much, but I'm getting through the week because Saturday is my birthday and I have some friends throwing me a party at their house here close to campus. I'd like to enter the 19th year of life with good people and no illness', and no bruising if at all possible.


My birthday rocked, a friend of mine threw a party for me back in my city, and it was good seeing all my old friends for the night. When I got back here, another friend threw me a party as well, and that totally rocked too. My fortune cookie said I would be invited to a small gathering with lots of spicy conversation with my lucky number being 19 so the universe got me pretty prepared for that, but I'm not so sure what constitutes a conversation as spicy but it was fun nonetheless. My doctor also put me on steroids for the sick stuff going on with me and they only prescribe you like five or so because after the first one you're ready for the rest of your life, its awesome.

So many clubs!

    The thing about getting involved  for me is that there are so many clubs that I'm interested in but I obviously can't join all of them. So I'm trying to narrow it down to two things but it's so hard because I'm equally interested in all of them. Plus I have to choose two because I don't have time for all those clubs based on my weekly schedule. I recently joined GEA (Gospel Expression Association) which is going amazing already and I'm excited about all the events that will eventually happen! I'm trying to join ASO (African Student Organization) but they meet on Tuesdays on the same day that GEA meets but at different times that are not that far away from each other. Plus I have a class around the same time that ASO meets so obviously I don't have time for that club. I have that similar problem with BSA (Black Student Alliance) and Bobcat Build. Although National broadcasting Society meets on a day and time I'm free so I'm going to join that but I wish I could join all of the clubs.


    This weekend was by far the most interesting weekend I've had in a while. It all started Thursday night when my best friend Alex  from elementary school called and said that she lived in Converse, TX now (which is 30 min away). Since she lived so close, she wanted to hangout with me and my roommate Loriel who is a good friend of Alex's also. She invited us to this roping event thing where I guess they rope a cow's neck on horses and bring them down. It sounded interesting enough...

    So on Friday after classes, Loriel and I grabbed our crap and drove out to Converse, telling our dorm friends that we'd be back around 9pm (we left at 1-ish). I was happy to see my best friend, and we went to the "event". Turns out, the roping event was on Saturday, and we just went to a kick back before the event. It was really hot outside, and I was actually developing this weird cold thing. So we were sitting in the freakin desert, with barbecue smoke blurring our vision. We danced a couple of times, got bitten by a few ants, and then this random thing happened. This 20 year old guy apparently saw me dancing, and got his little cousins to approach me and ask me for my name and if I would "meet" up with him. What the hell? By this time of the night, I felt like death; it was hot, there were only port-a-potties to use, and I drank a years worth of soda in hours. After Alex's boyfriend told the little kids off, we sat for a while longer. Before we knew it, it was 3 o'clock in the morning. How that happened, I still don't know. Because the actual roping event wasn't until later that day, people camped out. The party never really ended. Since Alex's boyfriend was a vendor at the event, he stayed. We dropped Alex back at her apartment, and Loriel and I went back on our way to the dorm. We have no idea how we got back but we did. We got back around 5am, and we literally slept all day Saturday. Now, we have to catch up on homework, awesome, right?

    Well my story is vague but, yeah, it was those kinds of nights where you just had to be there, sorry. My next post will be interesting I swear!

Here's a new song from Justin Bieber though : 

:) ~ilb4

Stung by a Bee for the First Time!

I was sitting waiting patiently for the bus to arrive after a delicious free Mexican food meal, when a ferocious bee attacked me. I grabbed my thigh in shock as a the throbbing pain persisted. To my surprise the stinger was still pierced in my leg. I pulled it out and watched as my skin began to swell. I Googled  some ways to treat a bee still seeing as how I had never had to deal with such a thing. When I got home I washed it with soap and applied toothpaste. My girlfriend comforted me by reassuring me that the bee that did this to me was dead.

Prior to this milestone event, I was attending the Hispanic Freshman Reception which was awesome. There was great food and incredibly authentic music. I had a great time but my girlfriend was miserable because she is not Hispanic and happens to hate Mexican food as well so she just complained the entire time.

Other than the reception and the bee sting nothing really eventful occurred in my life. I spent a lot of time doing homework and studying because I had a lot to do and was deadly afraid I wouldn't complete it all by fortunately I did. I'm quite pleased with myself.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Only me...

     So last week I completely forgot I even had a US 1100 class. I forgot to do my first blog post, like who does that? Anywho, I've been looking all over the place trying to find a good organization to get into. I have found nothing.

     On Thursday (yesterday) I went to this Hispanic thing, not sure what it was even called, but I went. It was at the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. I hadn't felt so into Latino music in a while.

     Forgot to mention...there was really good Mexican food. One of the reasons why I went by the way! I thought it would be that fake Mexican food, but completely wrong. I think it was better than my moms! (Just kidding, not really)

     I thought there was going to be nothing but Hispanics, but others decided to attend also, which was funny seeing them trying to dance to Spanish music. I made some new friends and some new twitter followers! I met this one girl who reminds me of this other girl that used to be my neighbor. She's one of those awkward girls who says everything they think, out loud. Yeah, that part was weird but looks like I won't have to miss my other friend so much seeing how I found someone just like her here at Texas State!
    The whole point of this blog post was pretty much to say I found an interesting Business organization. I'm too excited to join it and be a bigger part of the Texas State community!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


       My favorite experience by far is my dorm. This was truly such a smart idea. I once imagined an experience of sharing a room with a total stranger ridiculous. If you think about it, you are probably living in the smallest room of your life. When I was little I even had my own room. So my original thoughts were hesitant and I kept trying to figure out a way to commute. Though, what I've learned over the past few weeks is the complete opposite.
      First off, my roommate is great! We actually share a lot in common, including our humor. We don't see each other all the time, but when we do we always have something to talk about. We have actually become pretty good friends.
     I love hanging out in our lobby, which we call ,"the living room." This is where I do all of my studying. I hang out here pretty much any time I'm in my dorm. We are always watching a movie, playing pool or ping pong, or just talking and hanging out with the RA's.
     Lastly, I really found getting involved with the hall council here was the best idea I've had so far. The group is so friendly, and conveniently enough we were all pretty much friends anyways. We have retreats coming up, and a lot of planning to do throughout the year. I've been told that this is great prep for being an RA. I am really interested in doing that next year, so I'm glad I;m getting the experience.
     Now I'm really happy I listened to my brother, Cody, and lived on campus. Now I know that there is a freshmen experience you can not miss!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sickness and no mom don't mix

I didn’t think I realized how much I missed my parents until I got sick this week. I started getting a really bad sore throat. I called my mom because I didn’t really know how to cure it, nor did I have money or time to go buy medicine. She told me to just drink water and get rest. I thought, “Easy enough, I got this.” Then the following day, I got a really bad headache. I laid in bed to take a nap and even though this sounds like I’m a spoiled brat, I was just so annoyed every time I had to get something; I needed my medicine, I needed a tissue, I needed water. I never realized how much of a blessing it was to have someone there to do everything for you. The next morning, I got really dizzy walking to class. Now it had gone into a realm of sickness I had no idea about. So once again, I called my mom and she told me the medicine I was using was the wrong one. She instructed me to go to Walgreens to the pharmacy and get a behind-the-counter medicine. I had never done that before and even though it wasn’t that hard of a task, I was still scared. I never realized all the work that was put into getting a child better again. All the behind the scene stuff that my parents used to do, I was doing now and I was not enjoying it. Why couldn’t I just be in my bed watching episodes and episodes of gossip girl? So finally after 18 years, I would like to tell my parents, “thank you for taking care of me all these years, I’m really a pain in the butt.”