Tuesday, November 12, 2013


This past weekend the lacrosse team went camping at Pace Bend Park. I didn't really know what to expect because I haven't been camping since I was like six years old. When we got there Saturday morning, the first thing we did was go look around the campsite because it was so beautiful. Once we got that out of the way we had to set everything up. Setting a tent up when you don't know how is pretty difficult, but since other people knew how they would help us. The best part of the camping trip was finding out who our bigs and littles were on the lacrosse team. They had all of the littles in a tent so that we couldn't see them setting up. They put our names on a piece of yarn and we had to follow that piece throughout the woods until we ended up at our big. I have to say my big did a good job on making it difficult! I had to go through cacti, crouch through bushes, and climb up hills to finally get to her. Once I saw my big it was a relief that the mini adventure was over, but I was excited to see who it was too. This was one of the weekends I've had in a while, and I'm glad I got to spend it with my lacrosse girls.

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