Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Car-less people

     So my graduation present was a new car..I got it as a surprise and it was he best thing ever! I had been driving another car before that but not always or to school or anything. It was kind of just a car I used when I needed to. Once I got this car, I used it for everything and since I pay for it, it's obvious I would.
      I don't live on campus so I absolutely needed a car either way. Some of my closer friends from where I live don't have a car so they usually find someone to take them where they want.
     My friend and I started talking about how two of our close friends are always asking for rides and we are starting to get annoyed. I mean I understand  that they don't have a car but c'mon now!
    Anyhow, I'm just not the type to be used as a ride unless really necessary...oh well. 

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