Wednesday, October 2, 2013


First of all, my birthday is tomorrow! Although 19 is not that big of a deal, I am still excited! So since my birthday lands on a Thursday I probably won't be doing to too much, because I'm too responsible. I can't allow myself to go that crazy on a week day. However, this weekend I'm going to College Station for LIFE IN COLOR! In case you don't already know, life in color is the world's biggest paint party! It's just a lot of cool lights and music, lots of people tripping on stuff, and lots of paint. I'm really excited. One of my best friends, Allison, got us tickets for our birthdays. (since this is my birthday weekend, and hers is next week.) So long story short, but Allison was stuck with this crazy roommate who accused her of using her printer, stealing money, and moving her belongings around. The roommate filed a complaint with the person in charge of housing at the school (instead of talking to Allison-weird I know.) But bottom line, Allison wasn't comfortable with staying there (because her roommate's scary friend threatened to beat her up!) Okay, so where am I going with this, and why is it relevant? WELL, with the bad roommate situation going on, Allison's mom didn't want me to sleep in the dorm with Allison and her awful roommate since all this tension is happening. SO, her mom got us a hotel room for the weekend! A hotel that has free breakfast! haha. I don't lead that crazy of a life so this is super exciting! We're going to have a bash! (all legally, of course) But it'll be so cool, it's super :adult-like" and fun. So although my actual birthday won't be that cool, I'm really looking forward to my birthday weekend with my bestie! Lots of good food, awesome music and paint party, and lots of catching up with her and the rest of my friends in College Station. YAY!

p.s. In case you wanted to know, the roommate situation has been settled, and Allison's roommate moved out.

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