Wednesday, October 30, 2013

pumpkins and a deer

So yesterday I was at my friend Kelsey's house, and we carved pumpkins! It was actually really fun because it was my first pumpkin that I had carved all by myself. I cleaned out the pumpkin guts and everything! Also I definitely don't remember it being as hard as it was to actually cut a design in a pumpkin-my arms were quite sore when I was all done. Anyways, so after Kelsey, myself, and everyone else had finished their pumpkins we listened to Halloween music and make cookies! Oh by the way, Halloween music on Pandora is really random and weird. Anyways, so now to the deer part...
So Kelsey had picked me up to go to her house and my brother was going to pick me up. (Since we share a car.) Anyways, he was on the way to pick me up and hit a deer! Luckily, he did not get hurt. He was really fortunate because he just got a few minor scratches. BUT my car on the other hand has so much damage! Okay so the passenger window AND the drivers' window completely shattered, the passenger side outside mirror is demolished, the front left light is wrecked, and there is a massive dent in the hood. There is glass inside the car everywhere. What a mess.
It was, by far, such a horrendous Tuesday.

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