I don't loose weight to fit society's image of what is "beautiful." I don't constantly workout to knock off "unacceptable" fat. I use working out as a stress relieving activity that happens to result in weight loss. I refuse to conform to society's standards of what is good enough and what is beautiful. I focus on true beauty. That lies within, underneath all the makeup and the designer shoes. The face of a person may be what we see off the back, but what keeps us going is the undesirable traits that each one of us carry.
Since I've been at college, I've seen a wide range of "types" of girls. There is an obvious division, I believe, between girls that care more about their appearance and girls that don't. More specifically, they care more about the feedback from others. When I get dressed in the morning for my 8 a.m. classes, I'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts. My hair will be up in a messy bun and a natural face. Others though, will curl their extremely long hair, throw on a dress and their nicest shoes, and carry around their designer bag.
These accusations are only assumptions and simply stereotypes. So really, I have conformed in the since that I let society create the idea in my head that girls that do more to enhance their looks are only doing it for attention. In reality, this is not always the case. I find myself dressing up occasionally for my 8 am simply because the act of getting ready wakes me up. That makes me more focused and ready for the entire day. I have drawn the conclusion that, I just need to stop analyzing everyone else's actions and deciding for them what the goal for their outfit of the day really is.
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