Monday, September 9, 2013


I would like to start this by saying 8:00 am classes are of the devil's making. If I have the choice I will never be taking another early morning course for the next seven semesters. One may notice that I am posting this at 7:00 am because I'm unfortunately already awake, jacked up on two cups of coffee, and completely miserable in my freezing dorm. This is not a good morning so I was particularly inspired to blog. My alarm clock still had 15 minutes left, but my roommate's blasting karaoke machine of an alarm clock ruined my remaining minutes of slumber that I could have definitely used. However I am grateful because now I have this extra time to do this lovely blog post assignment.

Despite my troubled morning, my weekend was actually not too awful . I got out of class early on Friday which brought me unexplainable amounts of joy. I used the extra time to do some laundry which had been piling up since the day I moved in. After I was done with my chores I went to my girlfriend's apartment where she also made me do her laundry. Later that night my girlfriend's posse came over to pregame for an awesome house party filled with "twerking" and "water" pong.

Unfortunately I had too much fun because I didn't wake up until 4:00 pm the next Saturday so I missed out on some of the tailgating events before the game. However I did see a  few people getting arrested which was sadly entertaining. The game itself was pretty interesting I was happy to be attending a winning game for Texas State and then go home to see UT getting creamed by BYU (I'm a recovering Longhorn fan). I was also really excited about the free chicken wings I got Sunday due to the Bobcat's victory, especially since I couldn't eat anything at the game because I thought everything was going to be meal trade so I didn't bring any cash with me, so I starved. Overall though I had a pretty decent week and weekend, I'm going to try to be more positive seeing as it's only the third week of school. Off to start walking to my 8:00 am class now ( I have to leave like 15 minutes early because I live in Blanco).

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