Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sickness and no mom don't mix

I didn’t think I realized how much I missed my parents until I got sick this week. I started getting a really bad sore throat. I called my mom because I didn’t really know how to cure it, nor did I have money or time to go buy medicine. She told me to just drink water and get rest. I thought, “Easy enough, I got this.” Then the following day, I got a really bad headache. I laid in bed to take a nap and even though this sounds like I’m a spoiled brat, I was just so annoyed every time I had to get something; I needed my medicine, I needed a tissue, I needed water. I never realized how much of a blessing it was to have someone there to do everything for you. The next morning, I got really dizzy walking to class. Now it had gone into a realm of sickness I had no idea about. So once again, I called my mom and she told me the medicine I was using was the wrong one. She instructed me to go to Walgreens to the pharmacy and get a behind-the-counter medicine. I had never done that before and even though it wasn’t that hard of a task, I was still scared. I never realized all the work that was put into getting a child better again. All the behind the scene stuff that my parents used to do, I was doing now and I was not enjoying it. Why couldn’t I just be in my bed watching episodes and episodes of gossip girl? So finally after 18 years, I would like to tell my parents, “thank you for taking care of me all these years, I’m really a pain in the butt.”

1 comment:

  1. I got really sick right before labor day weekend and it was definitely an eye opener to how much work being sick was when you didn't have someone to take care of you
