Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Just a little stressful

   These first two weeks of college were definitely different than high school. I was so used to not doing anything in class, never studying for tests or quizzes, and still maintaining a straight A average in all my classes. Now, i'm having to write pages and pages of notes during classes, and spending around 3 hours a day just on homework for the week. I feel pretty confident in all my classes, except for chemistry. It was definitely a challenge and an eye opening experience last week when i didn't do so great on my first quiz. Now i'm worrying about how hard my first exam is going to be and its super stressful. I'm definitely going to have to start making time to go to some study sessions.
   Other than that, my first couple weeks of college experience have been pretty good. I enjoy my classes, hanging out with friends, and going to the rec. I'm so used to being able to cook my own healthy, yummy meals at home though, and now that I live in a dorm and don't have the luxury of having a stove and oven, it's a pretty big change. Sometimes I wish I could just make myself some egg whites with turkey sausage, sliced avocado on top, and toast for breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. Have you checked out the kitchen in your residence hall? Sometimes they have a toaster and a stove, etc., and that could give you a space to cook as you might need. It's definitely a challenge when you're used to doing it at home all the time. My favorite thing to make it two eggs over medium with a chuck of sharp cheddar and a sliced homegrown tomato. I know that's not really an option with Chartwell's, but you might be able to add a card to the suggestion box to ask for turkey sausage or avocados on occasion.
