Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm a blue!

   In my Hall Council retreat, our Resident Director had us participate in a personality activity. It was one of those that have points add up and it declares you a "color." I've been in other leadership positions that have done the same thing, though, this has been the most accurate one yet. I really appreciated this group doing this test, because it really broke the barriers of some tension the team was having.
   I was declared a blue. A blue can be described as a very emotional individual, who needs touch and romance. This person is very expressive, and also can take offense to thing easier than other types of people. I always knew this about myself, but i had no idea that I am apart of a classified category. I thought I had emotional issues and always read into things way more than other people did. It was actually comforting knowing that there are other people out there just like me. Also, just hearing these characteristics being discussed eased my understanding. I do understand myself more than I did before the activity.
    There was a little bit of miss communication between some of our council. Prior to Saturday's retreat, there was some butting heads, and clashing personalities. The person I understood the least was the President. As the retreat progressed I really learned a lot about him. I took some of his body language personally. I thought he was showing little interest in what we were doing, though I learned that he just handles social interaction differently then I do. He was the only green in our group. Without getting into exactly what his color is about, I'll just mention that he was the only green out of all of us. I concluded that this was the reason he was sticking out to us and getting under our green. He is just different than us.
    I took this retreat as a growing experience. It taught me to be a more open and understanding person. I definitely recommend this method to other leadership teams.

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