Monday, September 23, 2013

Busy Week

This week has been very hectic. To start off I have been swamped with work but never feel like I am doing enough. I have 3 tests wednesday and 1 test thursday and dont really know where to start. This weekend I was going to bunker down and get everything done and start to study for everything but it never fails that when youre busy life throws a curve ball. On Thursday I found out that my aunt was in the hospital and had been for 4 days. She is on life support with a illness that is in her blood and destroying her kidneys and liver. As being the first one in our family that is close or may even pass away its been pretty hard for all of my dads side to see him and all of his brothers and parents in pain like that to look at a just about lifeless body on the bed. This has started to take a toll on me and hits me pretty hard because I havent experienced a loss yet and is just sitting in the back of my head and it sucks because were all kinda close. So this week has been filled with things that I havent experienced yet like family on the brink, and college tests especially a large wave of them. But hopefully she can make a turn for the best, but shes in Gods hands and he will do with her what he has in plan.

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